Monday, September 28, 2009


Hehehe this is for sara, zerks, saras or anybody else who’s reading.. welcome!!

Actually, dah lama jgak aku ber- blogging, but as u can see, not that many updates.. that’s why I haven’t let u guys read it yet.. But since sara is always asking “ hany, mana blog kau ? toye” hehehehe , ni la dia!!

Everything is fine in Manchester. I have a nice room, great flatmates and new friends. Tapi, OMG rindu Malaysia kot. The homesickness it starting to kick in… I miss waking up at 11 am then waiting until 2pm for GT to wake up so we can finally eat (masa diploma), hehe.. I miss my cats .. furby, elmo… I miss my family, and also my my BF laa..

Hmm… more pictures…

my room, small but cosy

in the middle of the courtyard at my hall

biasalah, kena vist man u stadium, saras.. for u!

in front of the business school

new friends

rindu si comel ni sangaaattttt!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

its time...

Today is THE day, 17th september 09.. leaving malaysia. gosh am so nervous to go somewhere without my sisters and really sad to be leaving fawwaz..

But, i guess i'll be ok..

Bye Malaysia. c u in a year

Monday, September 7, 2009

A new dawn, a new day....

Aahh, so it seems like time is proceeding sooner than I’ve noticed and alas, I have only a week left to spend with my friends and family.

Went out to buka puasa with my friends at OU on Saturday reminiscing about old times.. hehehe what will I do without them…..

i’ve yet to start packing… ok so this isn’t true as I have gradually been putting some stuff in my luggage day by day.

But honestly, this is such a hassle. I dunno what to pack. Mom has already been complaining bout the stuff I wanna bring, saying things like how the clothes are not practical for the weather…

Geezz and I still haven’t bought groceries yet. Oh and I haven’t gone for my medical check up..

hehehe come to think of it, there really is a lot more things left to do. I’ve gotta stop procrastinating and step on it. Later!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Don't make promises you can't keep.

BF is breaking a lot of promises lately. breaking my heart too.. :(


Why is it the one that we need the most tend to hurt us at that time of need?

Sigh… I guess some people can be dense sometimes

On another note, I was browsing thru FB recently and found my soon-to-be residence hall… not too bad I guess, although I’m a bit concerned as it is dubbed ‘the party hall’… hehehe

Can’t wait to get to the place and find out for myself.. am also dying to find out who my flat mates are….

Apa2 pun, no one can replace my B158+ Zerks+ Saras who were the best!!!

No more hanging out coz we're on a different track

Rindu GT... hmmm tengah emo at the moment lepas baca blog Sara a.k.a SNR

This was the last night before everybody parted ways.....

with two of my best friends Zerks, Sara

The complete set of GT.. hehe

I love you guys...Nanti reunion kita gi karaoke lagi ye....!!!

shake it.. uh ooohh

I am now addicted to this software called POLADROID where it turns ur pictures somewhat polaroid-ish..

hehehe courtesy of yasmin who is surprisingly way more technology savvy than i am..

Here are a few tries

a very vain picture of me

with fawwaz


along and angah


*more to come..